Workshop: Born Digital Access Bootcamp: A Collaborative Learning Experience (Ticketed Event)

Tuesday, June 19
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Workshop: Born Digital Access Bootcamp: A Collaborative Learning Experience (Ticketed Event)

Sponsored by Read’Em Again Books

Many practitioners in archives and libraries feel that they are not prepared to provide access to born‐digital records, but providing access is an important advocacy tool for developing digital processing and preservation programs. Designed as an opportunity for practitioners and beginners to learn from one another, the workshop will take a collaborative approach with a morning of group discussions on relevant topics guided by workshop facilitators, followed by a hands-on afternoon with demonstrations and usability testing of born‐digital access systems and breakout discussion sessions. Topics may include policies, copyright/risk assessment, reference interactions, processing workflows, donor relations, advocacy, and other archival functions, with an emphasis on user‐driven access throughout.